It has been awhile since I have activated Blog Power. There are a few things to update!
First: I have released a new book "Nyla's New Shoes." You can find it in my store!
Second: I have created a companion kit to go along with "What are YOU made of? Life Lessons from Nature." The kit includes *almost everything you need to do the crafts and experiments in the book! (*You will need to supply your own potatoes and soup cans).
I am making the kits to order so I don't have a bunch of them sitting around my house. As soon as you order one, I get busy putting it together. They can be customized for your family (the original kit just includes one oyster to open but if you have more curious hands that want to crack open some shells then I can include those extra's for you at a slightly higher cost.) I will be uploading some content photos and videos of the kit being used soon!
Third: I have ANOTHER book coming out! I am really excited about it (just like with every other book!)
I have employed the wonderfully whimsical Vivien Sarkany to be my illustrator again (she illustrated "Nyla's New Shoes" and I am hooked. I love her style!)
My new book, "But are they human?" was my way of processing the world we find ourselves in right now. It shocks and saddens me to see the way people are currently tearing each other apart. I know that interpersonal conflict is nothing new in this world but my head is still spinning at fast we all were to turn on each other in the midst of this pandemic. Finger pointing, blame shifting, boxing and labeling. I have been really disappointed. "But are they human?" I hope points us all back to what really matters. The one thing we forever have in common.
Being human.
We have all been created as image-bearers of God and that means, regardless of station, status or ability, we all reflect our maker and all deserve to be treated with dignity.
As humans, we all desire to be seen, respected, heard, and valued.
As humans, we all should treat each other this way... but we don't.
In a sea of misunderstanding, prejudice, biases, discrimination, and difference, let's find our footing on the universal truth that we are all family. Sometimes family disagrees, and don't see eye to eye but that doesn't change the bond they share.
This book is so close to being ready! It it available NOW for pre-order in my store. I am aiming to have it ready to ship in November. Go reserve yours now!
Fourth: I have an event coming up! The date is TBD but I ill be doing a story and craft time at the Martensville Library. I am really excited to meet some of you and spend some time reading and creating together! As soon as the date is decided I will update and let you know!
Fifth: I am on Instagram! If you know me, you know that I am not a huge social media fan. It is more like anti-social media in my opinion BUT.. it has its place. You can find me @Caitlin.n2021 if you are also on the instagram network! Follow me to see videos and posts that I usually don't post anywhere else.
Sixth: I have added a "review" section and a "book trailer" section on my website for your convenience. Read what people are saying, and check out the book trailers!
That's all I can think of! I hope you all are living well and loving each other!
Until next time.
