"But are they human?"

"Let’s go for a walk, young ones,
and see what we can see.
I bet that we’ll find many things
just like you and me.
It’s easy to get frustrated
and feel so all alone.
To feel like we are on an island,
invisible, unknown.
All we need to do is walk
around the block, and then…
I’m sure we’ll bring that loneliness
to a peaceful end!"
I am so excited to release my newest book!
"But are they human?"
This Caitlin Nickel title was a way to process all of the troubling things I have been noticing around me lately. I have noticed a rising trend in people forgetting how to love and respect each other. This trend is not at all new but it certainly seems to be a focus. People have been forgetting that for all the differences we all have, we have one very basic, but very important thing forever in common; we are all human!
Being human means we share the desire to be seen, to be heard, to be valued.
Being human means we have been created as the very image-bearers of God.
Being human means that we each deserve to be treated with dignity, regardless of our station, status, or abilities.
I hope this story helps to redirect our patterns of thinking to recognize what is truly important.
order your copy now!